[CLUE-Tech] Reminder - December Meeting Tomorrow (12/11)!

Jeffery Cann jc_cann at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 10 21:29:12 MST 2001

Seasons Greetings Cluebies!

Please join us for the final meeting of 2001!

KISS Session (6:30)
DHCP with Roy Johnston and David Hahn


Main Session (7:15 pm)

DHTML David Willson 

DHTML is Dynamic HTML, a combination of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets),
Java/ECMAScript, the DOM (Document Object Model), and of course HTML. DHTML can
be used to create attractive and interactive web-documents without serious
programming effort. The presentation will be more demonstrative than

David is a geek with a lot of love for (and a little knowledge of) Linux. He
does full-time web-database-development in a 100% Microsoft environment, but he
looks anxiously forward to gaining enough Linux knowledge to bring his first
server in the "back door". He also looks forward to doing a little
pseudo-development in Linux to prepare material for this presentation!

For additional information, log on to http://clue.denver.co.us/
Hope to see you tomorrow!

Jeffery Cann
CLUE President

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