[CLUE-Tech] My printer hates me

Matt Gushee mgushee at havenrock.com
Wed May 23 15:58:43 MDT 2001

Kevin Cullis writes:

 > I had the same problem with a SuSe distro and basically did the same
 > troubleshooting.  What I found was that I did a ktop & in a term window
 > and selected the "Show Tree" of the processes and found a Ghostscript
 > daemon running even after I had killed off everything else, or so I
 > thought.

Good suggestion. I don't use KDE, but I ran pstree (no args -- from
the man page, it looks like that will catch everything, no?). I don't
see anything that looks like the likely culprit, but perhaps someone
else can.

There are a couple of items that may be unfamiliar: 
    cannaserver & skkserv have to do with Japanese text input, and
        are definitely unrelated to printing
    rcvt is "Random Color Virtual Terminal" -- a script I wrote to 
        relieve some of the dullness of Rxvt
    xfs-xtt is a TrueType-enabled XFS (X Font Server)
    gnuserv is an Emacs server thingy, lets you remote-control a
        running Emacs

Herewith, the big tree:

     |                       |             |-python---rxvt---bash---pstree
     |                       |             |-python---rxvt---bash
     |                       |             |-wmCalClock
     |                       |             `-xemacs---gnuserv
     |                       `-XF86_S3

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