[CLUE-Tech] Lazy person question

Dan Harris coronadh at coronasolutions.com
Fri Apr 26 13:32:02 MDT 2002

Since we're on the subject of RPM's, I'd like to recommend those with RPM 
distros to check out GRAB (http://www.runlevelzero.net).   This program has 
saved me countless hours of finding rpm's quickly.  It has a builtin 
rpmfind.net search so you can search/download/install rpms in one command...

grab --search vim --rpmfind

If there are multiple packages that match *vim*, it will give you a selection 
list showing everything you'll need to pick the right one.  It also will 
automatically search for dependencies and install them first if possible..

I've also used apt for rpm, and am a little turned off by it because:

1.  The repositories are SLLOOOWWW.. The best I ever saw was 14K/sec download 
from them ( on my T1 ).

2.  The packages are outdated.  Every RPM I got was the version the shipped 
with the distro, so if I wanted the latest and greatest, I found myself going 
back to GRAB..

3.  Dependencies.  I install a lot of stuff from source.  apt complained every 
time I went to download something and one of the prerequisites was compiled 
from source and did not exist in the RPM database.. yes you can "force" it, 
but it complains in a very annoying way.

-Dan Harris

On Friday 26 April 2002 01:09 pm, Michael Robbert wrote:
> rpm -Fvh *.rpm will figure out dependencies and install in the
> proper order if the dependencies are there. If you are missing
> anything from your *.rpm it'll tell you what you need, but you
> need to use something like up2date to automatically satisfy
> those from the net. The new apt-get for rpm will do the same
> without the need to register with Red Hat. Redcarpet will also do
> that although it needs to have a GUI, but it adds some 3rd party
> packages, primarily Ximian Gnome.

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