Jed S. Baer thag at frii.com
Tue Jul 2 18:25:13 MDT 2002

On Tue, 02 Jul 2002 17:49:42 -0600
bof <bof at pcisys.net> wrote:

> I've also heard good things about frii.net 
> (http://www.frii.net/services/qwestdsl.html), but I personally don't 
> like their "charge by the megabyte/extra mailbox" pricing policies. 
>  IIRC from when I was shopping for a new ISP last year, they don't 
> support Linux.

I can't speak to their specific DSL policies, but I can tell you  they're
a great ISP. Their tech-support people aren't going to be exactly linux
savvy (well, some of them are), but if you can make intelligent statements
about what's happening, they'll work with you to solve a problem. I
recently had a running conversation with one of their techs about browser
compatibility WRT one of their services, and he was at the point of
downloading Galeon to try it out. They're "mozilla-aware" too. All their
servers are running FreeBSD, BTW, and they keep up with security issues
very well. They do at least acknowledge linux:


One nifty service they have is called "Mail Armory". It's a spam filter,
which currently "greymails" messages marked as spam. You review your
greymail via a web interface. The filtering level is user-configurable,
and there are allow and deny lists as well. It could use a little
improvement in some of its features, but its also a pretty new service. I
understand they'll be adding features over time.

They've been pretty flexible with me, in regards pricing for services,
especially if I can point to other providers doing "service X" for cheap.
Like my domain hosting, for example. They wound up implementing a new
domain hosting price structure at least partly based upon my prodding
them. So now for really basic hosting, they're pretty competitive. And
they were very helpful working along with all the hassles which wound up
happening in the course of getting things ripped away from Network

We're frogs who are getting boiled in a pot full of single-character
morphemes, and we don't notice. - Larry Wall; Perl6, Apocalypse 5

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