[CLUE-Tech] Mounting LEXAR Jumpdrive

Michael Robbert mrobbert at mines.edu
Thu Dec 4 09:17:48 MST 2003

I usually use fuser instead of lsof, not sure which is better, but try 
"fuser -mv /mnt/LEXAR"

Also, I have a similar problem with a couple of users that use ZIP 
drives. They put in their disk, mount it, copy some files around, then 
they can't unmount. In my case I have found that the culprit is always 
the fam processs and I think that it is nautilus that is starting that 
up. fam holds this lock on the mount long after stopping nautilus 
though. I have found that if they logout fam will quit and the drive can 
be unmounted. I have also been able to do a lazy unmount(umount -l), but 
the drive still won't eject until fam quits.

Jim Ockers wrote:
> Hi there,
>>The problem is, after saving files to the jumpdrive, the "unmount" 
>>command (umount /dev/LEXAR) doesn't work. I get the "device is busy" 
>>response. Switching to other directories doesn't help; /dev/LEXAR stays 
>>"busy". The only solution seems to be to shutdown and restart - a minor 
> This is interesting.
> Fortunately there is a way to tell what process has a given file or
> directory open.  Please run this command:
> lsof | grep LEXAR
> You will see the process ID, name, etc. of the process that is holding
> the /mnt/LEXAR directory open.
>>inconvenience for the safety/backup involved. But it bothers me that I 
>>don't understand this behavior, and my status as "root" seems 
>>ill-defined. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Is this just 
>>normal behavior for a block memory device after mounting?
> I'm not familiar with the jumpdrive but my inclination is that this is
> not normal behavior for a block device under Linux.
> Hope this helps,
> Jim

Michael "Murph" Robbert
System Administrator for Math/CS
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO  80401-1887
Office: GC249
Office phone: 303-273-3786
Pager: 303-461-6543
Email: mrobbert at mines.edu

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