[CLUE-Tech] Installing Bugzilla on RedHat9 ?

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Thu Dec 4 10:43:20 MST 2003

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Keith" == Keith Christian <keithchristian at yahoo.com> writes:

Keith> Hi Folks, I'm trying to install Bugzilla on a fresh RedHat9
Keith> machine (I installed *everything* from the three CD's to
Keith> eliminate as many RPM dependencies as possible.)

Keith> After reading the Bugzilla docs, I happened upon a suggestion
Keith> to save a lot of time and hassle by installing Bundle::Bugzilla
Keith> using CPAN.  This went OK until it tried to install Template
Keith> 2.10.  Then it started asking for a test database, etc....


CPAN is nice and all, but using it to install things on a system with
another package management system (redhat, debian) leads to
maddness. ;) 

Here's what I do. 


perl -MCPAN -e shell

and 'get Whatever::Whatever' you need. 
Just have it download the tar.gz file. 

Then install: 

rpm -ivh http://ayo.freshrpms.net/redhat/9/i386/RPMS.freshrpms/perl-RPM-Specfile-1.11-fr2.noarch.rpm

This will give you the handy 'cpanflute2' command.


cpan2flute perlModule-whatever-version.tar.gz

and it will generate a perl-whatever-version.src.rpm

rpmbuild --rebuild perl-whatever-version.src.rpm
and you get a rpm of the perl module. 

This means that if you upgrade perl versions rpm will complain and
make you recompile them instead of upgrading and silently failing. 
Also, you can see whats installed, CPAN doesn't try and update perl
and everything is happy. 

Keith> At that point I set up MySQL with the bugs_db, bugs_user,
Keith> etc. etc.  Template 2.10 still apparently doesn't like the
Keith> database.

What are the exact errors it spits out?

Keith> Has anyone successfully installed a recent version of Bugzilla
Keith> successfully? If so, do you have any hints?

I haven't installed it recently, but a while back it wasn't too
bad. Just needed the approprate rpms. 

Make sure you have all the perl-*.rpms from the cds as a starting

Keith> Thanks!
Keith> ====Keith

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