[CLUE-Tech] CD burning

Randy Arabie randy at arabie.org
Wed Jan 29 11:13:39 MST 2003

On Wednesday, 29 January 2003 at 10:49:05 -0700, Sean LeBlanc <seanleblanc at americanisp.net> wrote:
> I burned a CD for a friend, but he said all the filenames were cut off. I
> think to get filenames beyond 8.3, one uses Rockridge extensions? It sounds
> like that's what happened here, although I haven't been able to see the
> results myself. I could have sworn I mounted the CD and looked at it myself
> and thought it looked fine..I mounted it under RH 7.3, though, and he's
> looking at it under some variant of Windows. I don't think that should make
> any difference, but I'm not sure.
> Anyway, I just wrote the CD like this:
> mkisofs <some options> | cdrecord <some options>
> Is there a recommended set of options folks use for mkisofs? And do you
> usually create the ISO and then mount it (I've never done this and don't
> know how) before you burn it?

#make the image
 % mkisofs -r -o CdImageName InputFileOrDirectory/

#test the image
 % mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop0 ImageFileToTest /mntPoint

#burn the image to cdr
 % cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=0,1,0 -data CdImageFile

That's how I burn data cd's.  The `-r` option on mksiofs enables the Rockridge 

This all came from the CD-Writing HowTo section on Burn Data CD's:
Allons Rouler!
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