[CLUE-Tech] Re: was pine and pico, now: Fedora

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Fri Feb 6 13:24:43 MST 2004

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "black" == black  <black at galaxy.silvren.com> writes:

black> Slight change of subject here...  I am in the throes of moving
black> stuff from an old Mandrake box to Fedora.  Here's a few
black> observations I had.

black> 1. xmms doesn't support mp3's due to licensing worries, if you
black> want that then uninstall the rpm and compile from source.

Or much easier, add the freshrpms repository to your /etc/yum.conf:

name=fedora core 1 freshrpms - $basearch - freshrpms

And do: 

yum install xmms-mp3

Lots of other usefull packages there as well. 

black> 2. the update support is ok (FREE!!!), and fails grabbing
black> packages a lot.  If you get a message about a packages
black> signature not matching, do NOT continue, start over. If you
black> continue it tries to install the package anyway (which
black> obviously must fail, only half the rpm is there) however it
black> will flag it as a successful update. Anyone else seen this?

Never. I have seen it fail to download right, but then it deletes the
partial rpm and tries to download it again. Can you duplicate this
problem? If so, please file a bugzilla on it. 

black> 3. tcl.h is NOWHERE in any of the rpm's, even though tcl8.3
black> is. I went through each cd with "ls /mnt/cdrom/Fedora/RPMs |
black> xargs rpm -qlp >> ~/discfiles.txt" and grepped the whole list
black> for it. I wonder how much other include file stuff is
black> missing. Wonder why they didn't install tcl8.4, its been out
black> for ages.

Likely just lack of time. Submitting a bugzilla against the tcl
package to upgrade it might get them to do so. 

I would expect that file to be in the tcl-devel rpm...
Yeah seems to be:

rpm -qf /usr/include/tcl.h

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