[CLUE-Tech] Laptop standby.

Keith Hellman khellman at mcprogramming.com
Sat Feb 28 10:58:26 MST 2004

On Fri, Feb 27, 2004 at 03:59:33PM -0700, David Anselmi wrote:
> So is it true that all you Linux laptop toters live without standby and 
> hibernate?
Certainly not the case.  My wife's SuSE 8.2 notebook had APM setup
automagically after the install.  She uses it *alot*, because the
notebook is a little loud so if she isn't going to use it for just a
little bit of time, she hits the sleep key on the keyboard.  Swear I've
done nothing special to make this work.

Myself on the other hand, being the minimalist that I am, don't run apmd
and simply take care to keep my notebook plugged in or I simply turn it
off if I'll be away from power for more than an hour.  I do however have
apm setup so I can run 'apm -s', 'apm -S', or even xapm when
circumstances dictate.
> Could apm help?  A friend has a new laptop that hangs when I modprobe 
> apm.  I'm guessing it does acpi but not apm.

I seem to recall hearing that some machines do not support *both* ACPI
and APM gracefullly.  I recall having to disable ACPI on the kernel
command line when installing SuSE on my wife's notebook.  Is there a
bios setting to dictate what type of power management is used?

Keith Hellman                             #include <disclaimer.h>
khellman at mcprogramming.com                from disclaimer import standard

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