[CLUE-Tech] horde

Mike Staver staver at fimble.com
Mon Jun 21 14:04:03 MDT 2004

Well, I currently got Horde working - and I was about to install their 
password chaning application into it, but their website has been down 
since Friday for some reason. (I *just* was able to reach it as I'm 
typing this...)  It does bother me that I have to have so much code 
installed for just webmail, but I'm kind of digging the address book 
feature, and the webmail app IMP seems to be very impressive as far as 
features go.  I am going to customize the hell out of it though because 
there are some things I want to change, such as the outgoing message 
attached to each email sent with it for example.  Since I have 
programmed in PHP before, it doesn't appear it will be difficult to 
modify the files - but finding them is a different story.  Like any 
large php project, this one is entangled with one include file after 

Chris Schock wrote:

> I too looked at Horde, had nightmares that night, then went with
> Squirrelmail. I haven't looked at any other distros, but if you go with
> Fedora it comes with Squirrelmail and the setup consists of just
> configuring it with the included CLI utility. All the software is already
> there, took me about 5 minutes to get going.
>>Mike Staver wrote:
>>>Has anybody set up horde before? I'm very confused by it... I just
>>>installed it, along with IMP per Chris' email a while back about
>>>webmail apps.  I now have it installed... but I'm very confused as to
>>>how to adminstrate it, and more imporantly.... why there are no users
>>>set up by it, and how to go about setting them up so my users can get
>>>webmail access going again.
>>Horde's like that.  I quit wasting time with it and switched to
>>Squirrelmail long ago.  It just runs and runs and works... and has some
>>nice add-on modules available for it if your server has the extra cycles
>>to support all of them.  (It's a bit CPU and I/O intensive, being that
>>it's PHP talking to IMAP if you have it all on the same box.)
>>Nate Duehr, nate at natetech.com
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                                 -Mike Staver
                                  staver at fimble.com
                                  mstaver at globaltaxnetwork.com

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