[CLUE-Tech] Frustrated with BIND9

William bkimball1 at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 24 17:31:31 MDT 2004

--- Chris Schock <black at clapthreetimes.com> wrote:
> Ahh, someone else ran into the same problem I had. Fedora tries to run
> named in a chroot jail, but evidentally the QC slipped up here because
> it's broken. Try running named without the jail and your problems will
> likely disappear. Mine did.
> Of course, the prudent thing would be to fix the permissions so that the
> chroot jail worked correctly but I just wanted it to work and wasn't
> overly concerned with security.
> Hopefully this was fixed in FC2.

I'll definately take a look into what happens if I break BIND out of the chroot jail.  Like you, I
won't be concerned about security because this particular DNS server will be for internal LAN
resolutions *only* with no interface to the Internet (this machine just provides a static lookup
list for a large set of LAN-based servers and workstations).  Thanks!

William Kimball, Jr.
"Programming is an art form that fights back!"  =)

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