[CLUE-Tech] Python Documentation online

Dave Price dp_kinaole at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 23 18:27:55 MST 2004

I just came across this gem on 'Simon Willison's Weblog'


Pydoc is awesome; I don't know how I missed it for so long. Simply type the
following at the command line:

pydoc -p 8888

Then point a browser at http://localhost:8888/ to browse interactive
documentation for every Python module available on your system. This
includes moduldes installed in your site-packages directory. If you keep
code you've written yourself in site-packages you'll be able to browse
the documentation for that too. If you're even remotely consistent about
writing docstrings you'll be amazed at how useful the resulting
documentation is. I can't believe I only just discovered this!

The pydoc command can also be run on one host, and viewed from another,
I was able to launch it (in a screen session) as a normal user and then
call it up from another workstation.


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