[clue-tech] Presentation on Ubunto/Debian?

David Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Thu Jun 2 18:06:37 MDT 2005

Collins Richey wrote:
> On 6/1/05, David Anselmi <anselmi at anselmi.us> wrote:
>>David Anselmi wrote:
>>>How many packages do you need to build from source?
>>Sorry that I asked this so poorly.  I meant, "how many packages (gcc,
>>etc) do you need to install before you can build something from source?"
> That's a fair question, but I don't know the answer. I tried the usual
> suspects (gcc , autoconf, etc.) from a list, but it seemed (missing
> ???.h files, and no I didn't write them down) that some xxxdev
> packages were missing.

I see.  You said toolchain originally, which I would take to be gcc, 
make, binutils, maybe a few others (you usually don't need autoconf 
unless you're packaging the tarball).

But naturally you need the -dev packages for the header files to build 
against.  And the code you're building should tell you what packages you 
need them for.  That doesn't strike me as a distro toolchain issue.

If you ever do LFS, you have to do all that by hand and it didn't seem 
to be a big deal to me last I looked.  (No, there's no dep hell either 
because if your package links against libfoo, which links against 
libbar, you only need the libfoo headers.)

> <rant>
> It probably makes sense for a server setup, but I've never understood
> why installs of a package don't include everything. I'm probably
> spoiled by long years on Gentoo, where that's exactly how it works.
> </rant>

Whatever.  The packagers chose to provide source and binaries 
separately.  They also provide -dev (just headers rather than all the 
source) for some things.  They also provide separate -doc packages for 
some things.  Seems to me that when they do it, it's to provide 
flexibility for someone and I'm ok with that.

Is your real gripe that you have to download more than just the tarball, 
or that you have to read the install file to figure out what else to 


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